with an attempt to 意味
- ~しようと図りつつ
- attempt 1attempt n. 試み, 企て. 【動詞+】 We had to abandon the attempt.
- attempt to {1} : 《an ~》~しようとする試み[努力{どりょく}] He championed their attempt to build a union
- in an attempt to ~しようとして、~しようと企てて Some demands were met in an attempt to keep on running the business. ビジネスを続けるために、いくつかの要求がのまれた。
- aggressive attempt for an equalizer 同点{どうてん}シュートへの積極的{せっきょくてき}な試み[攻撃{こうげき}]
- attempt an analysis of ~の分析{ぶんせき}を試みる
- attempt an assassination 暗殺{あんさつ}を企てる
- attempt an attack 攻撃{こうげき}を試みる
- attempt an escape 脱走{だっそう}を試みる
- attempt an experiment 実験を試みる Edward Jenner attempted his experiment of the smallpox vaccination on his son. エドワード?ジェンナーは天然痘の予防接種の実験を自分の息子で試みた
- attempt an improvisation 即興演奏{そっきょう えんそう}を試みる
- attempt an unscheduled interview with (人)に突撃{とつげき}インタビューを試みる
- fail in an attempt to ~を試みて失敗{しっぱい}する
- give an attempt at a smile 無理{むり}やり笑顔{えがお}を繕おうとする
- in an attempt on someone's life (人)の命を狙った企てで、(人)への殺人未遂{さつじん みすい}で
- in an attempt to answer the question その問いへの答えを見つけるために
- moreover , new kanrei yoshimoto was absorbed in self-protection , and he made ikko ikki (an uprising of ikko sect followers ) of rival religion attack kenpon-ji temple in izumi province with an attempt to debilitate the miyoshi clan which was the strongest hikan (low-level bureaucrat ) of harumoto ' s army .
しかも、新管領・晴元は自らの保身に余念無く、それまで晴元軍の中核であった最有力被官・三好氏の弱体化を図り、和泉国の顕本寺 (堺市)を敵対宗派の一向一揆に襲わせている。 - based on this regulation , many local public entities (prefecture or municipality ) enact respectively their own ordinances with names such as " ordinance for the protection of cultural properties " ; the board of education carries out the prefectural or municipal designations with an attempt to protect those important cultural properties other than the nation designated cultural properties .