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with an attempt to 意味

"with an attempt to"の例文


  • ~しようと図りつつ


  • moreover , new kanrei yoshimoto was absorbed in self-protection , and he made ikko ikki (an uprising of ikko sect followers ) of rival religion attack kenpon-ji temple in izumi province with an attempt to debilitate the miyoshi clan which was the strongest hikan (low-level bureaucrat ) of harumoto ' s army .
    しかも、新管領・晴元は自らの保身に余念無く、それまで晴元軍の中核であった最有力被官・三好氏の弱体化を図り、和泉国の顕本寺 (堺市)を敵対宗派の一向一揆に襲わせている。
  • based on this regulation , many local public entities (prefecture or municipality ) enact respectively their own ordinances with names such as " ordinance for the protection of cultural properties " ; the board of education carries out the prefectural or municipal designations with an attempt to protect those important cultural properties other than the nation designated cultural properties .
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